Information for patients and families


Learning how to use mobile App with family members

Patients feel more comfortable with family members in their own home

How can this service help you or a family member with difficult symptoms?

When people have a serious illness with symptoms like pain, difficulty in breathing, sleep problems, fatigue and constipation, they want immediate relief from these symptoms at home. If doctors can have regular and up-to-date symptom information about type and severity, people can get faster and more effective treatment at home. With this NAPCare system, you can have a short questionnaire about common symptoms in Nepali or English- in the form of an application (or “app”) on your cell phone. You can answer the questions in a few minutes and send the answers by telephone for your doctor to see.

When your symptom answers are sent in and received, our system sends e-mail or telephone text alert messages to doctors. Doctors can then look at the answers on the website and prescribe any helpful treatments. In our system, once you are registered, you or a family member need to visit the doctor at least every two weeks to make sure your symptoms are getting better and get any new or renewed prescriptions.


How can patients and their families get this service?

To get good help with managing symptoms of serious illnesses, you need to have a doctor. So, the first step in getting this service is to talk to your doctor. You can either just tell him/her about this website (, or you can print off the Doctor information page from this website and give it to your doctor (click here to print this Doctor information page).  If your doctor agrees to use this service with you, all he or she or you have to do is call the NAPCare Office: Ms. Roshani Gautam, Phone: +977-9808257322, with your name and telephone number and the doctor’s name and telephone number. The NAPCare staff will then make all the arrangements by calling you and the doctor as necessary. Specifically, the NAPCare staff will help you get the questionnaire “app” for your telephone and teach you how to use this—it is really easy.


How much will this service cost?

For the present, NAPCare is offering this service free to patients.