The NAPCare Executive Body: (Left to right) Front row: Dr. Rashmey Pun, Dr. Bhawana (Former Executive), Dr. Sandhya Chapagain, Dr. Ambuj Karna, Dr. Krishna Sagar Sharma, Ms. Lahar Maya Bhansika. Back row: Ms. Roshani Gautam, Dr. Bishnu D. Paudel, Ms. Usha Thapa, Dr. Surendra Gauchan, Dr. Bijaya Neupanae (Immediate past-president), Dr. Sushil Singh, Ms. Sabita Panthi.

The Nepalese Association of Palliative Care (NAPCare) was created out of a belief that an united and holistic effort was required from multiple parties to improve the status of palliative care in Nepal. NAPCare was officially registered with generous support from Two Worlds Cancer Collaboration, Canada. Since its establishment in December 2009, NAPCare has been the umbrella organization for several institutional efforts in palliative care in Nepal.

NAPCare has an 11 member Executive Body led by Professor Bishnu D. Paudel.

NAPCare is a multidisciplinary, non-political, not-for-profit organization with goals of improving palliative care through training, research and defining and facilitating good patient care.

NAPCare seeks to support patients and family members, and inform and educate the community about palliative care.

NAPCare is dedicated to the development and expansion of palliative care services, particularly for poorer and less-often served Nepalis. NAPCare encourages an holistic approach to palliative care by addressing its broad dimensions: medical, psychological, spiritual, social and familial.

NAPCare seeks to improve the quality of life for all Nepalis with severe symptoms and to ensure dignity for those who are dying.

To extend the reach and services in palliative care to patients who cannot leave home, NAPCare has now developed a tele-home palliative care service, described in this website: Homepalliativecare Nepal.net.

Major Achievements of NAPCare:

  • To guide healthcare professionals in managing common symptoms in providing palliative care, NAPCare developed a first Protocol for Pain Management for palliative care in 2011 with the help of Two Worlds Cancer Collaboration, Canada. An updated revision was published in 2017.

  • NAPCare has developed a brief pocket booklet of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Palliative Care, viewable on this website (Go to Guest site).

  • NAPCare has worked jointly with the Ministry of Health to develop a National Strategy for Palliative Care to provide accessible, affordable and appropriate community and hospital- based palliative care in areas from villages to cities.

  • Jointly with the Ministry of Health, NAPCare has been conducting two-week Palliative Care training courses for nurses and doctors.

    NAPCare president Dr. Bishnu Paudel submitting the National Strategy for Palliative Care to the Honorable Secretary of Health, Mr. Senendra Raj Upreti.

    Two Worlds, NAPCare and Government, and WHO representatives (From left to right: Dr. Stuart Brown (Two Worlds), Mr. Simon (Two Worlds), Mr. Shanta Bahduar Shrestha (Secretary of Health), Dr. Bijaya Neupanae, (Immediate Past-President, NAPCare), Dr. Bishnu D. Paudel (President, NAPCAre), Dr. Lonim Dikshit (WHO representative).




Professor Dr. Bishnu Dutta Paudel

Senior Vice-President:

Mrs Usha Thapa


Dr. Sandhya Chapagai


Dr. Krishna Sagar Sharma

Joint Secretary:

Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh


Mrs. Sabita Panthi

Dr. Dipesh Dhital

Dr. Sudhir Sapkota

Dr. Pradip Nuepane

Mrs. Archana Shrestha



NAPCare would very much like to expand its activities and impact, and in this endeavor seeks health professional and other volunteers dedicated to its mission.


Donate Now

NAPCare is grateful for financial donations in any amount. Please support us at:

The Nepalese Association of Palliative Care (NAPCare), Himalayan Bank Limited, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal. Account number 00204114370015. SWIFT CODE HIMANPKA